Want to land a job at a great tech company like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Netflix, Amazon, or other companies but you are intimidated by the interview process and the coding questions? Do you find yourself feeling like you get “stuck” every time you get asked a coding question? This course is your answer. Using the strategies, lessons, and exercises in this course, you will learn how to land offers from all sorts of companies.
Many developers who are “self taught”, feel that one of the main disadvantages they face compared to college educated graduates in computer science is the fact that they don’t have knowledge about algorithms, data structures and the notorious Big-O Notation. Get on the same level as someone with computer science degree by learning the fundamental building blocks of computer science which will give you a big boost during interviews. You will also get access to our private online chat community with thousands of developers online to help you get through the course.
Here is what you will learn in this course:
1. Big O notation 2. Data structures: * Arrays * Hash Tables * Singly Linked Lists * Doubly Linked Lists * Queues * Stacks * Trees (BST, AVL Trees, Binary Heaps) * Tries * Graphs
3. Algorithms:
* Recursion * Sorting * Searching * Tree Traversal * Breadth First Search * Depth First Search * Dynamic Programming
Unlike most instructors, I am not a marketer or a salesperson. I am a senior developer and programmer who has worked and managed teams of engineers and have been in these interviews both as an interviewee as well as the interviewer.
My job as an instructor will be successful if I am able to help you become better at interviewing and land more jobs. This one skill can really change the course of your career and I hope you sign up today to see what it can do for your career!
Taught by:
Abbass Masri is the instructor of the highest rated Android App Development course on Udemy as well as one of the fastest growing. His graduates have moved on to work for some of the biggest tech companies around the world like Apple, Google, JP Morgan, IBM, etc…
Also, he is running a successful app on playstore that teaches around 1,000,000 users coding in many languages like: Android, Java, C++, Python, Arduino, and more.. Please check it here on playstore: “Master Coding App”
Abbass promises you that there are no other courses out there as comprehensive and as well explained. He believes that in order to learn anything of value, you need to start with the foundation and develop the roots of the tree. Only from there will you be able to learn concepts and specific skills(leaves) that connect to the foundation. Learning becomes exponential when structured in this way. Who this course is for:
Self-taught programmers Computer science student anyone preparing for coding interviews
No experience with data structures or algorithms needed Your notebook and your brain
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